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Climbing Arch

The Larisa and Pumpkin Climbing Arch will help your child play and imagine. It supports the development of your child’s confidence, balance, and strength skills. When flipped over, it allows your child to enjoy a pleasant and safe time both alone and with you while resting. (Our padded model is sold separately.) Made from 100% natural beech wood, our product can be purchased with or without padding.
Product Dimensions: 96 x 55 x 48.5 cm


  • 3.000,00 TL
Out of Stock

The Larisa and Pumpkin Climbing Arch will help your child play and imagine. It aids in the development of your child’s confidence, balance, and strength skills. When flipped over, it allows your child to have a pleasant and safe time both alone and with you while resting. (Our padded model is sold separately.) It is made from 100% natural beech wood. Our product can be purchased with or without padding.
Dimensions: 96 x 55 x 48.5 cm


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